A Reflection

As the warm months start to roll around, the one thing on my mind is the end of the school year. For most of us, the end of school is a joyous thing — and it is for me too. But, for the past four and a half years I have been working at a daycare and the end of the year seems to get sadder every time.

You may be thinking, why is it sad? It should be happy? But, my answer to that really cannot be simple. I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this, which is why I decided to finally put all my thoughts into a blog post. Working at a daycare is extremely underrated. For the past four and a half years, I have watched teachers work their butts off to properly teach children the basis of literally everything. This year I work in a preschool room rather than a daycare room and the things I teach children on a daily basis are some of the most important things they will ever learn.

We teach them their letters and how to put on a jacket. That they should definitely wash their hands after every use of the bathroom and no, you shouldn’t eat food off the floor. What a lot of people don’t realize is that without child care providers, their child would be a completely different person. Which leads me to my next point. My job title is a Teacher’s Aide and I assist co-teachers in my room. The women I work with are nothing short of amazing. How they teach, how they run the classroom and put up with the insanity of things that the children do, surprises me every day. The strength and skill they hold is something I wish that everyone in the world could see, I applaud and admire them.

Overall, what I want to take away from this job when time comes to move on is the feeling I get every day. One of the most rewarding things is watching the kids grow. Not only academically because it is amazing to see them get things they have been working toward all year — but socially, emotionally and physically. Throughout the course of eight to nine months, they grow a tremendous amount that it’s truly shocking. To see the beginning of the future generation has never made me more proud.

As a message to my kids: I cannot wait to see where your future will take you. Hoping for all the best.

Love always,

Miss. Cassie



I haven’t posted a blog post in over a year and a half!! To be honest, I haven’t really had much time and I have been at a loss for things to write. This is my attempt to get back into it!

First off, I would like to talk about my last blog post. I had written about the communications class I was taking in college and I ended it with “I’m not a communications major but…” Well, a year and a half later and I am! That class, and my high school journalism class truly changed my perspective on this field. Now, I’m officially a Pubic Relations major and a Rhetoric Studies Minor and honestly, I’m the happiest I have ever been in school. I have found what I’m meant to do and I’m doing really well with it. I have learned so much and have grown as both a speaker and a writer, which is extremely rewarding!

I guess this goes to show that life is so unpredictable. You never know what’s right around the corner and what decisions you’re going to make — so enjoy every bit of it!


This year has been an incredibly challenging year for me. In this 365 day cycle  I was diagnosed with anxiety which should have been an extremely obvious conclusion, but unfortunately it wasn’t.

My senior year I had taken a basic Psychology class and over the summer I was briefly thinking about the fact that maybe, just maybe, I had an anxiety disorder. Coming to this conclusion was not an easy one for me and it was definitely a lot of work discovering what that meant. I am a Grade A Procrastinator and wasn’t clinically diagnosed until my second week of college when I started seeing my lovely school counselor. It was actually an extremely life altering discovery for me because I noticed that I had suffered from anxiety my whole entire life. Things that happened in my past were making sense and I could finally fully understand what the experiences I had in my life truly were, which were panic attacks.

If you have been following my blog, you know that I have decided to work on myself lately and discover who I truly am which definitely was a result of my low self esteem due to Anxiety. I suffer from three different types of panic attacks, all having different triggers, some of which I have not uncovered yet. With that being said, Mental Health Week has recently passed. To be honest, I was very afraid to admit to people that I had to go to counseling because you never want people to believe that there is something wrong with you. Not everyone understands anxiety and mental health issues but they’re extremely important to become aware of and that was the best thing I could have ever done. Embracing my anxiety and realizing that it is not a bad thing is going to benefit me in the long run, I just have to fully put in the work to figure it all out.

If you, or anyone you know, suffers from a mental health disorder please consider getting help. I swear by counseling, it was one of the best things for me.